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IT Governance for a Diversified Business Group

Implementing IT Governance is a straight forward process for a business which is in a single industry. However, the rules of the game change significantly if you need to Govern IT at a corporate level for a diversified Group, supporting multiple companies.  A common challenge CIO faces in this scenario is how to align IT with aspirations of multiple business heads, all of whom with varied expectations from IT.

Having successfully Governed IT in both single vertical and diversified companies, I am sharing some unique insights from my experience which can help an IT Leader manage complexities while developing enriching CXO relationships in a diversified group.





A diversified group has it’s own unique IT Challenges. While centralizing IT function across group can yield in some savings, these savings tend to be short-lived without adequate investment in IT governance capabilities. Unless there is a dedicated effort to align IT expectations of business leaders, centralization and shared services efforts can misfire and lead to creation of shadow IT groups.

IT Governance for a Diversified Group is currently very niche discipline and there is not much research available for IT Leaders and vendors. Feel free to comment, like and share this post with your friends in IT, and contribute to building knowledge in this area.  

Written by Abhinav Mittal, Abhinav is Author & IT Productivity Coach based out of Dubai, He has a more than a decade of experience in helping business leaders get more value from their IT investments

Contact Abhinav on To know how to establish IT Governance for your diversified business and reduce IT costs